Update: 28th August 2020
We are looking forwards to reopening on Monday 7th September 2020.
Click here to view our updated operational procedures
Update: 30th July 2020
Anyone who tests positive or shows symptoms for Coronavirus must self isolate for 10 days.
Update: 25th May 2020
Re-opening Preschool on 1st June 2020
We will be reopening Preschool on Monday 1st June 2020, Monday to Friday 9.15am - 1.30pm.
To find out more information about availability and the plans we have put in place to protect all children, their families and staff please do get in touch.
More details can be found in our updated Policies & Procedures
Update: 11th May 2020
Re-opening Preschool on 1st June 2020
After the Prime Ministers announcement at the weekend we are currently putting in place plans to re-open to all children on 1st June 2020, as long as the Government confirm it is safe to do so.
More details on how we will do this and what it will look like will follow in the coming weeks.
Update: 24th March 2020
We have had to make the difficult decision to fully close the Preschool until further notice due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all well and ask that you:
Stay Safe, Stay Home & Save Lives
We are CLOSED from 23rd March until further notice and will only accept children of keyworkers and vulnerable children
We will only allow vulnerable children and children whose parents are classified as KEYWORKERS care at this provision until further notice
If you are a keyworker or have a child who is vulnerable and require care for your child over these coming weeks, please do get in touch to discuss your needs further.
More detailed information about who qualifies as a vulnerable child or keyworker, please look at the link below:
Coronavirus - COVID-19
What we are doing to ensure we can continue to provide an operational service for you!
What we are doing to reduce the risks:
Cleaning all surfaces and equipment daily with antibacterial cleaning products.
Staff and children wash hands regularly with soap and water, especially after using the toilet, clearing up any bodily waste, being outside, before food preparation or eating food and after coughing or blowing noses.
Implementing the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ strategy for coughs and sneezes
Catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue
Put the tissue in the bin
Wash your hands with soap and water
No visitors on the premises.
Access to the premises restricted to the front door only for parents/carers at drop off and collection times.
Keeping up to date with current advice and information from government organisations regarding Coronavirus and informing parents/carers of any changes.
If any child or anyone in their household shows signs and symptoms of Coronavirus, they will be excluded from attending the setting for 14 days.